Subjects of SGENYN's Experiments 2020-2024
This calendar is composed of scenes she has captured through her perspective using an iPhone over the past.
misé seoul was featured in DAZED Korea.
She designed the album package for sound artist Heejin Jang’s album 《Ashes, Pomelos, and the Sickroom》 and created art pieces that reflect the album's identity.
《PACK FAIR 23》, 2023
《The Blurred Paradise》, Solo exhibition, 2020
《GENESIQUENCE》, Video, 2023
She created garments and art pieces
for sound artist Bela's performance.
《CENTERS》, 2020
《Holy Night》, 2020
《GENESIQUENCE》,  Video, 2019
CAVA & The Selects
《Covered Capsule Collection》, 2019
The exhibition 《PURIFIER》
by  Yoonkee Kim, 2018
《The Scrap》, 2018
《YE-SEUL》, 2018
The exhibition 《The Revenge, It's ma power, huh!》
by Hannah Woo and MAT-KKAL , 2017
《Alternate Dimension》, 2022
Drawing on any surface 2018-2024

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